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Ramgopal Varma In Deep 'Appulu'


It appears that beneath the glow and shine of the genius movie maker Ramgopal Varma, a harsh truth exists. While it is not confirmed news but then reliable sources have quoted that Ramu is said to be in some severe financial liabilities right now.

Apparently, he has been going through a pattern of making few flops followed by one big hit and this has been on since quite a while. Now, it is heard that Ramu has got loans up to the tune of Rs 100 crores. A major part of it happens to be with Reliance group amounting up to Rs 30 crores, as per sources.

It is heard that Ramu had committed that amount to Reliance for his movie ‘Aag’ and the outcome of the film is known to all. Right now, he is said to be tagging along with his face value and brand image but commercially, Ramu is said to be staggering along with a 1 big hit: 5 flops ratio. -By Gusagusa


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